Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sources for Space Law

1. Space Security Law

2. Space Law: the 21st century and beyond

3. Space law: a bibliography: cumulative index of the proceedings of colloquiums of the International Institute of Space Law, 1958-1994
4. American space law: international and domestic
5. The environmental element in space law: assessing the present and charting the future
6. An introduction to space law

Friday, April 8, 2011

Bonding with Mascots

            The author started to ask the question of how universities like Florida State, treats and has a relationship with an Indian tribe like the Seminoles. The article’s purpose is to discover the relationship between the Seminoles and the university. How the university portray the Indians, how the Indians feel about the use of their tribal name, and how the university and the NCAA tries to promote the tribes culture and history. His research shows that the use of tribe’s name as a mascot has promoted awareness of the tribe to the students and the public. More people have learned what the university has taken out of context or misrepresented of the tribe’s history and culture throughout the years. Even with this new information about how the tribe has been used by the university throughout the years. The students of the university and the tribe have been mostly receptive to the new mascot and for now will accept it even though it is not one hundred percent accurate.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Google is not making us stupid.

           After reading this piece, I do not believe the internet is making us stupid but instead it is making us smarter. Like the invention of the printing press, written language, and scientific management it has made people smarter and has made our lives easier. With the invention of the written language and the printing press more people were able to get new information faster and more efficiently. The invention of scientific management gave workers the ability to work less while producing more products for their employers. This eventually let workers to get benefits such as the five day work week and less working hours. I disagree that the internet has made us stupid because more people are skimming articles and that companies like Google are making people act like sheep. Instead the internet has allowed more writers and new organizations to compete for readership. Although Google does has a lot of influence as a search engine not everyone goes for the first link. Most of the top links are paid to be at the top and if someone does like the website or the article after following the top links they can and will go to another website and maybe use another search engine. Also although Google might try to recommend different websites to people based off previous searches, some people will use this feature while other people will not use it. In conclusion the internet, like former groundbreaking technologies, it is not making us stupid but it is instead making us smarter and it will increase the intelligence of humanity as a whole.