Swift uses a satiric proposal to identify some important issues in Ireland during his time. These important issues were the rapid population, the excess amount of children, and British oppression in Ireland. The purpose of this piece is to show and make fun of how the British are trying to micromanage and control the country of Ireland. If the British did follow Swift’s modest proposal they could make money so Ireland could be a profitable investment and territory, and they would reduce the amount of people they would have to regulate and look over by British soldiers. The satirical comical nature of the piece supports Swift’s underling message of how the British oppression over the Irish people is killing the sprit of the Irish and their way of life. It also embodies the Irish independence movement while making the British angry and irritated.
I have a modest proposal for America’s energy policy. America should switch to only 100 percent clean energies, and never use any energy that could have negative effects on the environment. All oil rigs should ripped out the ground, the Alaska pipeline should be chopped down, and all off shore drilling platforms should be turned off and be destroyed by submarines. Coal mines should be collapsed and the unused coal should be used as expensive paper weights. Nuclear power plants should be turned off and turn into water parks, while gas lines should be stopped and all of the gas should sent back into the ground. Anything that is not powered by solar panels or windmills is no longer needed. People will be sent back to a simpler age that will not require excessive electronic devices, such as televisions, refrigerators, or computers, so Americans use less energy. Although it would be hard for most Americans to live without some of the modern luxuries, they would learn to live a cleaner healthier life style. Without televisions, computers, or hair driers people would become more peaceful and fit. Since people could not drive cars, automobile manufactures would have to make quality electric vehicles that use try renewable sources. This would create an economic boom in manufacturing and money would not be shipped to evil oil producing countries. Because oil producing countries could no longer hold our country ransom America could confront dictators and other major problems in the international system. In conclusion, if America follows this energy policy the country would be in a better place both economically, financially, and politically.
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