Sunday, March 20, 2011

News (3/18 to 3/20)

I saw all of my news on t.v. so I compilled every thing into one post and put different links on what I saw on those days.

Friday 3/18: Federal Reserve Involvement with Big Banks

Should the Federal Reserve contiune to poke its head into every single big bank and determine if it can survive instead of letting the market determine that otherwise the Federal Reserve will be able to say which banks are good and which banks are bad. While at the same time people who have money in these banks could get very concern and frighten.

Fox Business
USA Today

Saturday 3/19: Japanese Nuclear Situation

As things in Japan get worse is there a safer way to use nuclear power in America and in the world. This is important becasue nuclear power is very clean but can also be deadly.

Fox Buisness
LA Times

Sunday 3/20: The situation in Libia

As U.S. and other U.N. members attack the Libyan dictator Qaddafi was it smart to wait this long and what will happen next with Libya. Libya is an oil producing country and borders Egypt and other major Middle Eastern countries.

Fox News
USA Today
New York Times

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